International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 7, Issue 1 (January-February 2025) Submit your research before last 3 days of February to publish your research paper in the issue of January-February.

Communicative Behaviors of Public Secondary School Teachers of Cabadbaran City Division in Relation to Interpersonal Relationship

Author(s) Pofer Jane Asio Bolambot
Country Philippines
Abstract This research aimed to determine the communicative behaviors of public secondary school teachers of Cabadbaran City Division in relation to their interpersonal relationships with student and co-teachers. This study tested the significant relationship between teachers’ communicative behaviors and teachers’ interpersonal relationships.

A descriptive-correlational design was used in this study. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to gather the needed data from 105 students and 164 teachers of all public secondary schools sampled as respondents and identified through Raosoft software and random sampling. In analyzing the data, frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to determine the teachers’ communicative behaviors in relation to teachers’ interpersonal relationships developed among students and co-teachers categorized as friendship, love, hatred, and work relationships.

Findings revealed that teachers’ communicative behaviors in relating with students and co-teachers always developed love, friendship, better working relationships as well as hatred. Further, revealed in this study was a significant relationship between teachers’ communicative behaviors and teachers’ interpersonal relationships among students and co-teachers. In conclusion, awareness of one’s communicative behaviors is critical in building harmonious interpersonal relationships within the workplace. It is therefore recommended that intervening activities be conducted to enhance awareness of one’s communicative behaviors that somehow communicates with others and subsequently results to either positive or negative interpersonal relationships
Keywords Communicative behaviors, Interpersonal relationship
Field Sociology > Education
Published In Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2024
Published On 2024-01-06
Cite This Communicative Behaviors of Public Secondary School Teachers of Cabadbaran City Division in Relation to Interpersonal Relationship - Pofer Jane Asio Bolambot - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i01.11505
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