International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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English Language Supremacy in India: Where Literacy Rate is Check by If Person can Read or Right in Any Language

Author(s) Sonal Sharma
Country India
Abstract IN INDIA where different type of languages exist how any specific language can be supreme? Here literacy rate is check by if the person can read and write in any language no language is barrier to check literacy rate the why any specific language is barrier or even people judge the status and treat other person by the mode of communication {English}.
Only 10% people in India who knows English. Around 20-30% of people don't know Hindi in India.

The constitution of India states under Article 348(1)(a) that all proceedings in the Supreme Court and in every High Court, shall be in English language or Hindi language. Use of any language according to the place and tounge of the people living there or the language which is easy to understand by the people living there is still better that to use any specific language like English or Hindi. The people for whom the courts came in the existence or who file cases in courts for justice if they are not able to understand that what the judge and advocate is arguing or talking about then how they can understand immediately what is going on in their own case.

Along with this so many advocates who have efficient knowledge but just because of the language barrier they can't be part of higher courts.
Keywords literacy, justice, supreme court, high court, constitution, language
Field Sociology > Linguistic / Literature
Published In Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2024
Published On 2024-01-23
Cite This English Language Supremacy in India: Where Literacy Rate is Check by If Person can Read or Right in Any Language - Sonal Sharma - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 1, January-February 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i01.12430
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