International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

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IoT based Recognition of Leakages in Gas Pipes

Author(s) Ms. Pooja Saini, Prof. Priyanka Rao
Country -
Abstract In any industry or a company, leakage of gas in the pipeline is a main problem at this time. Leakage can be well-defined as the unintended admission or discharge of fluid through a dump or crash from the cylinder. Gas leakage leads to indemnities as well as fire fortunes. This research work takes the control over unconscious discovery of leakages, than the man power and thus reduces some loss. Here in this method, we recommend an imaginative robot that grips on to the outer deceptive of the gas pipe and channels along the pipe to check for leaks. The kit contains MQ5 gas radar to intellect the gas leaks. The robot passages uninterruptedly alongside the metal pipe and if there is any presence of leak, the specific position is identified by ultrasonic sensor and the message will be sent to the IoT device through Wi-Fi module.
Keywords Arduino Uno, MQ 5 sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Temperature sensor, LCD, Wi-Fi module, Motor driver.
Field Engineering
Published In Volume 1, Issue 1, July-August 2019
Published On 2019-08-20
Cite This IoT based Recognition of Leakages in Gas Pipes - Ms. Pooja Saini, Prof. Priyanka Rao - IJFMR Volume 1, Issue 1, July-August 2019.

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