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Volume 7 Issue 1
January-February 2025
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An Exploration of Bachelor Level Learners' Experiences in Writing Paragraphs
Author(s) | Dipendra Kumar Khatri |
Country | Nepal |
Abstract | An exploration of Bachelor's level learners' experiences in writing paragraphs aims to investigate how the learners are learning to write paragraphs from their school to university level in the English language. As a university teacher, the author observed his learners often writing less organized paragraphs, and preferred points rather than paragraphs in their assignments and other writing products as well. To explore the curiosity about how the learners are experiencing writing paragraphs, a narrative inquiry was conducted from five purposively selected Bachelor level participants from Surkhet Multiple Campus. Being a teacher, at one level, he informally gathered information on how they experienced writing paragraphs. By taking their oral consent from the informal talk, he managed to take a formal focused interview with the use of guidelines. During the interview, the audio recording was done which was then transcribed. After that, the codes were developed and followed by the categories. Lastly, three main themes were developed as the form of result: the learners felt the input that they got was more focused on writing points rather than a paragraph which encouraged them to write more in points than a paragraph. They also experienced a lack of sufficient input and feedback from teachers during their school as well as college-level learning classes. Similarly, unfamiliarity and overgeneralization were the other forms of experiences in their writing tasks. The article concludes that it needs to provide explicit input not only at the school level but also at university level learners for an organized paragraph to be formed. |
Keywords | paragraph, experience, unfamiliarity, insight, input |
Field | Sociology > Education |
Published In | Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April 2024 |
Published On | 2024-03-20 |
Cite This | An Exploration of Bachelor Level Learners' Experiences in Writing Paragraphs - Dipendra Kumar Khatri - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i02.15034 |
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