International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 6 Issue 5 September-October 2024 Submit your research before last 3 days of October to publish your research paper in the issue of September-October.

Natural Anti-aging Skin Care: Role and Potential

Author(s) Noor jahan, Priyanka Gupta, Bhawana Sati
Country India
Abstract The first and most noticeable indication of the ageing process, which becomes more pronounced as one ages, is the decline of skin morphology and physiology.The essential functions of the skin, including homodynamic regulation of body temperature, fluid balance, loss of electrolytes and proteins, and vitamin D generation, are all impacted by this degradation. elimination of waste, immunological monitoring, sensory perception, and defence of other organs from harmful environmental elements. Consumers are now aware that regular cosmetics contain toxic chemicals and other dangerous substances. Because more people are demanding healthier options, the natural beauty business is growing because to cutting-edge technology and high-performance ingredients. Thus, this review's objectives are to provide some important insights into how inherent and extrinsic factors affect excessive or premature skin ageing. In this we’ll know about natural agents like Green Tea, Licorice, Rosemary Jojoba Leaves ,Ashwagandha , shatavari as anti-ageing from various plant sources such root, leaves, seeds , flowers and so on which can be explored as anti-ageing skincare. Which basically beneficial in skincare.

Keywords: Skin, Anti- Ageing, Natural Agents, Role of Agents
Keywords Keywords: Skin, Anti- Ageing, Natural Agents, Role of Agents
Field Biology > Medical / Physiology
Published In Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April 2024
Published On 2024-03-31
Cite This Natural Anti-aging Skin Care: Role and Potential - Noor jahan, Priyanka Gupta, Bhawana Sati - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i02.15648
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