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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Hospitality Industry: A Review Article

Author(s) Akash Indora
Country India
Abstract Purpose – Artificial intelligence (AI) adoption is critical in the age of digital technology. This review article aims to evaluate the literature on AI in the hospitality industry.
Method – A narrative synthesis was used in this review article. Moreover, the literature was reviewed systematically to explore AI in the hospitality industry. The literature and information were obtained from various books and research articles on EBSCO, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct. The inclusion criteria were studies that clearly defined AI in all aspects of the hospitality industry, were published and written in English and were peer-reviewed. Content analysis was employed.
Results – The use of AI is a strategic and critical factor in economic development. Furthermore, AI technologies are increasingly being used as digital assistants. They help businesses in the hospitality industry in a variety of ways, including improving customer service, expanding operational capability, and lowering costs. However, there are some risks associated with AI advancements, such as job loss in low-tech sectors, loss of control due to robot autonomy, and safety, security, and privacy concerns.
Conclusion – AI technologies have both positive and negative effects on the workforce and job employment in the hospitality industry.
Recommendations – The recommendation is to consider a quantitative study regarding AI adoption in the hospitality industry or other sectors. Also, a qualitative approach could give a clear view of insight results for further study.
Research Implications – This review article contributed to the existing literature on AI adoption in the hospitality industry. Hence, it could be used to guide future research on AI adoption in the hospitality industry. It may also aid academics in broadening their research by incorporating more potential elements.
Practical Implications – This review article could lead to a better understanding of AI adoption in the hospitality industry. Moreover, it may assist business owners, managers, and marketers in the hospitality industry or any sector to achieve and enhance high business performance by implementing appropriate strategies to meet the needs and expectations of both customers and employees through the use of AI.
Keywords Artificial Intelligence (AI), adoption, hospitality industry, systematic review
Published In Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2024
Published On 2024-05-04
Cite This Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Hospitality Industry: A Review Article - Akash Indora - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i03.19393
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