International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques and Data Mining

Author(s) Akshaykumar R Dhotre, Sandip N Ahire, Vivek G Valvi, Aniket D Landge, Prof S V Athawale
Country -
Abstract The machine learning can be referred to as the discovery of relationships in large databases automatically and in some cases, it is used for predicting relationships based on the results discovered. Machine learning plays an important role in various applications such as business organizations, e-commerce, health care industry, scientific and engineering.
In the health care industry, data mining is mainly used for Disease Prediction. The objective of our works to predict the diagnosis of heart disease with a reduced number of attributes. Here fourteen attributes involved in predicting heart disease. But fourteen attributes are reduced to six attributes by using a Genetic algorithm. Subsequently, three classifiers like Naive Bayes, Classification by Clustering and Decision Tree are used to predict the diagnosis of heart disease after the reduction of the number of attributes.
Keywords Heart disease prediction; Prediction model; Classification algorithms
Field Engineering
Published In Volume 1, Issue 3, November-December 2019
Published On 2019-12-29
Cite This Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques and Data Mining - Akshaykumar R Dhotre, Sandip N Ahire, Vivek G Valvi, Aniket D Landge, Prof S V Athawale - IJFMR Volume 1, Issue 3, November-December 2019.

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