International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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This Paper Attempts to Analyze Florence’s Textile and the Functioning of the Fashion Market to Understand the Most Important Features that Made the City the First Fashionable City in Europe during the Renaissance Epoch

Author(s) Shifa Mehra
Country India
Abstract In the early modern period, from the 14th-16th century, the textile and clothing production industry was a significant economic contributor in Florence. The Florentine fashion industry's success became evident in the city's fashion exports, which were sought-after globally, providing employment opportunities for many of its residents which were dominated mainly by a thriving textile and clothing market, eventually dividing the society into guilds which were determined by class, employment role and economic status. This essay will describe how the Florence textile and clothing market’s economy functioned and was heavily influenced by different geographical allies, how the city's strategic location in central Italy made it an essential trading centre which helped establish the city's reputation as a throbbing fashionable destination which proved to be an essential driver of the city's economic and cultural growth eventually shaping the city's fashion scenario. which distributed its wealth and fashionable social dignity unevenly amongst its citizens, manipulating the entire citizenry of Florence to be involved in the larger fashion scenario of the city voluntarily or unknowingly, eventually making the city the first fashionable city in Europe. Finally, it will conclude the most important feature that contributed to making Florence the most fashionable city in Europe.
Keywords Florence, Fashion, Renaissance
Field Arts > Fashion
Published In Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2024
Published On 2024-05-17
Cite This This Paper Attempts to Analyze Florence’s Textile and the Functioning of the Fashion Market to Understand the Most Important Features that Made the City the First Fashionable City in Europe during the Renaissance Epoch - Shifa Mehra - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i03.20313
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