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Volume 7 Issue 1
January-February 2025
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Narcissism and Paranoia: The Moderating Role of Self-esteem among Young Indian Adults
Author(s) | Nitya Chowdhary, Yogeswarie S. |
Country | India |
Abstract | Narcissism has gained substantive engagement in the field of personality and social psychology. Due to globalisation and the advent of the internet, narcissism has become the most frequently investigated trait. It bridges certain dimensions of self, which include paranoia and self-esteem. The purpose of the current study is to understand the correlation between paranoia and narcissism. Additionally, the study aims to examine the moderating role of self-esteem on the relationship between narcissism and paranoia among young Indian adults. Furthermore, the study also aims to find out gender differences in paranoia, narcissism, and self-esteem. 162 young adults from the Indian population are recruited, and they administer the narcissism, paranoia, and self-esteem inventories. The results show that the participants had high levels of narcissism, above-average paranoia, and moderate levels of self-esteem. Narcissism is positively correlated with paranoia. Individuals with high levels of self-esteem show decreased levels of paranoia and increased levels of narcissism. There are main effects between narcissism and paranoia as well as between self-esteem and paranoia. Self-esteem does not moderate the relationship between narcissism and paranoia. These results suggest that self-esteem does not weaken or strengthen the relationship between narcissism and paranoia. Males score higher than females in self-esteem, whereas there are no significant gender differences in paranoia and narcissism. This study leads to a better understanding of these traits in the subclinical population. Culturally sensitive interventions can be developed for individuals with higher levels of these traits. |
Keywords | Narcissism, Moderating Role, Paranoia, Self-esteem |
Published In | Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024 |
Published On | 2024-07-06 |
Cite This | Narcissism and Paranoia: The Moderating Role of Self-esteem among Young Indian Adults - Nitya Chowdhary, Yogeswarie S. - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i04.24232 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i04.24232 |
Short DOI | https://doi.org/gt3xmj |
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