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A Comparative Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effect of Vasadi Syrup and Satyadi Syrup in the Management of Tamaka Swasa w.s.r. to Childhood Asthma

Author(s) Dr.Kulvinder Sandhu, Dr. Vinod Kumar
Abstract Respiration is the evident feature of life which is carried out by Prana vayu. It is a sign of consciousness, provides enthusiasm to human beings.This sole sign of life is affected in this disease Tamaka swasa, causing an impendent to the Respiratory function. Public attention in the world recently focuses on asthma because of its rapidly increasing prevalence. Irrespective of the application of advances in modern medicine as well as age old practice of traditional medicines; 100 to 150 million children around the globe suffer from this non-communicable respiratory disease.The international study of asthma and allergy in childhood (ISAAC) estimated asthma prevalence in India to be 6.2%-6.8% in 6-7 years old and 6.4%-6.7% in 12-16 years with more male affected than female. It is chronic disease of paranvaha srotas, in which vitiation of kapha & vata dosha mainly and origin in pitta sthana.Tamaka swasa is characterized by dyspnoea (swasakrichrata), chest tightness (urashula), wheeze (Gurgaruktvamhm) and cough (kasa). The paroxysm attack results in handicapped day & sleepless nights, thus disturbing a normal life style of the child. Childhood asthma is responsible for school absenteeism, restricted activities, social, economic & psychological impact on the family.Even though Tamaka swasa is considered as Yapya vyadhi but it is curable in its initial phase. In today’s scenario we have many anti-asthmatic drugs which can effectively control the various paroxysm attack of asthma but fail to control many adverse effects. Many studies need to be carried out in this perspective to find out a better remedy. Also low-cost asthma management programmers should be developed to ensure asthma care is available and affordable for all socio-economic sectors within the population. Considering all these aspects, the present study has been designed to evaluate the efficacy of two Ayurvedic formulations. The formulation Vasadi Syrupand Satyadi Syrup have been selected owing its Vata-Kaphahara, Swasahara, Rasayana properties.
Keywords Tamaka swasa, Bronchoial Asthma, Vasadi Syrup, Satyadi Syrup, rasayana
Field Biology > Medical / Physiology
Published In Volume 1, Issue 3, November-December 2019
Published On 2019-12-09
Cite This A Comparative Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effect of Vasadi Syrup and Satyadi Syrup in the Management of Tamaka Swasa w.s.r. to Childhood Asthma - Dr.Kulvinder Sandhu, Dr. Vinod Kumar - IJFMR Volume 1, Issue 3, November-December 2019.

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