International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 6 Issue 3 May-June 2024 Submit your research before last 3 days of June to publish your research paper in the issue of May-June.

The Revolutionary Potential of i-PRF: A Breakthrough in Implant Dentistry

Author(s) Prakash Pai G, Dayakar M M, Aishwarya Krishnadas, Alsha Thankam George, Deeksha
Country India
Abstract Implant dentistry has significantly advanced over the years, offering effective solutions for patients with missing teeth. However, optimizing implant success and promoting efficient osseointegration remains a continuous focus for dental professionals. Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin (i-PRF) has emerged as a valuable adjunctive therapy in implant dentistry, aiming to enhance the regenerative potential of tissues and improve clinical outcomes.I-PRF is an autologous blood concentrate derived from the patient's own blood, rich in platelets, leukocytes, growth factors, and fibrin matrix. This biological material offers numerous benefits in implant dentistry, including its ability to accelerate wound healing, enhance soft tissue regeneration, and stimulate bone formation. I-PRF is obtained through a simple and chairside centrifugation process, making it readily accessible and cost-effective.In conclusion, i-PRF represents a valuable adjunctive therapy in implant dentistry, providing clinicians with a natural and effective means to optimize implant success and promote tissue regeneration. As research continues to expand in this field, further investigations are needed to explore the full potential and standardize the protocols for i-PRF application, ensuring its widespread utilization and integration into routine implant procedures.
Keywords Implant , Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin (i-PRF), Osseointegration , Regenerative.
Field Medical / Pharmacy
Published In Volume 5, Issue 4, July-August 2023
Published On 2023-07-09
Cite This The Revolutionary Potential of i-PRF: A Breakthrough in Implant Dentistry - Prakash Pai G, Dayakar M M, Aishwarya Krishnadas, Alsha Thankam George, Deeksha - IJFMR Volume 5, Issue 4, July-August 2023. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2023.v05i04.4301
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