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Training and Development
Author(s) | M Harshavardhan |
Country | India |
Abstract | Training and Development is a vital part of HRM, it helps in nurturing the people according to the needs and demands of the organizations. It serves as a platform to identify the future leaders among the group of employees. Organizational objectives can only be achieved only when there is a team effort, Training and Development caters the team building and team playing abilities among the employees by providing the both departmental and cross-departmental training programs. Training and development refer to educational activities within a company created to enhance the knowledge and skills of employees while providing information and instruction on how to better perform specific tasks. Training is a short-term reactive process meant for operatives and process while development is designed continuous pro-active process meant for executives. Training and Development is a structured program with different methods designed by professionals in particular job. In fact, many organisations are using term "training and development" as one and same. Mostly we hear the term "training" for the purpose of the inducing skills and knowledge among employees. Both training and development are continuous and core tasks of organisation, but employee training will be for the particular job to develop skills in concern particular job for a particular period and will be given periodically whenever updating of skills needed for performing particular job and moreover training is meant for the purpose of development of technicality among employees. Training is mainly provided for making employee aware on how to handle particular job, technology or equipment for doing particular task or function in the organisation. Ultimately training of employees will be by way of teaching by the professional in particular job which involves technicality to develop skill. |
Keywords | Training & Development, Employees, Knowledge, Skills, Organizational objectives |
Published In | Volume 2, Issue 5, September-October 2020 |
Published On | 2020-10-30 |
Cite This | Training and Development - M Harshavardhan - IJFMR Volume 2, Issue 5, September-October 2020. |
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E-ISSN 2582-2160

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