International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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Study on Noise Pollution Generated from Vehicles in Gazipur City Corporation, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Author(s) Rokhshana Parvin, Md. Tanvir Ahmed
Country Bangladesh
Abstract Gazipur city corporation has established on 16th January, 2013. It has a total 329.53 with a population of 6500000. About 75% of the garments of the country are located in this city corporation [1]. For this huge number of population and garment factories a huge number of vehicles moves in the city every day. This huge number of vehicles not only moves in the city they are responsible for the generation of noise pollution. The study shows the variation of noise level with traffic volume. To conduct the research noise level was measured along with traffic count. From the research, it has established that the level of noise pollution is not dependent on the traffic volume. Even the noise level has found maximum, when the traffic volume is minimum compare to the maximum traffic volume. Even it has also found that in off pick hour when the traffic volume is minimum, the noise level has no influence. That has happened due to reckless driving of the drivers and unawareness of the noise pollution.
Keywords Noise Level, Traffic Volume, Reckless Driving, Off Pick Hour, Noise Pollution, Motorized Vehicles
Field Physics > Civil Engineering
Published In Volume 5, Issue 6, November-December 2023
Published On 2023-11-09
Cite This Study on Noise Pollution Generated from Vehicles in Gazipur City Corporation, Dhaka, Bangladesh - Rokhshana Parvin, Md. Tanvir Ahmed - IJFMR Volume 5, Issue 6, November-December 2023. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2023.v05i06.8613
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