International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

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Customer Ticketing System with Validation using Google Firebase and Automatic Statements to Track the Status of the Ticket

Author(s) Prof. Prakash Mehra
Country -
Abstract Ticketing system is very important as it helps the user to submit the issues faced by the user while using any household products like fridge, AC, electric bulbs, washing machines etc. This can be made efficient by tracking the ticket status whether is it is in open state, in progress, being resolved or closed state. Status tracking helps in achieving the exact idea of the issue being resolved. The ticketing system is implemented in a cloud architecture with the help of Google firebase which helps the user in accessing the ticketing system globally. With the help of firebase default security measures and asynchronusity multiple users can authenticate and use the application simultaneously. This is achieved by using asynchronous on both client and server. Firebase’s real-time database is used to store the data of users and their tickets. This paper presents an approach for developing ticketing system using open source.
Keywords Real-time Database, Open Source, Firebase, CRM, Authentication
Field Engineering
Published In Volume 1, Issue 1, July-August 2019
Published On 2019-07-19
Cite This Customer Ticketing System with Validation using Google Firebase and Automatic Statements to Track the Status of the Ticket - Prof. Prakash Mehra - IJFMR Volume 1, Issue 1, July-August 2019.

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